Monday, April 30, 2018

Tea our Fave Bev!

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Hey you crazy tea lovers! I'm back again with another post on our favourite beverage. Since my introduction have any of you readers looked up where your tea is from? I've been interested in this topic since there was an advertisement on television for a tea company and it showed it's viewers what a tea farms are actually like and the conditions in them which aren't the best and not where I'd have a desire to work in the extremely hot heat, which intense physical labour for the smallest of wages. I have so much respect for the commitment of tea farmers and all the hard work they put in for my ten minutes of relaxation.

 Does the origin of tea effect it's taste? Does it really matter where tea come from? Yes! Different types of tea leaves give off different tastes and different types of tea, for example the Assam variety of tea is known for it's fruity taste and floral aroma. The taste and aroma of tea is also determined by the way in which it is roasted. Roasting the tea leaf is the last step in the process of producing the tea after the leaf is dry.
 Different tea farms produce their tea differently. Next time you're bored while your tea is brewing read the back of your tea bag box, you might find out something you didn't know before!

Stay beau-tea-ful!!

Friday, April 13, 2018

Welcome to the Geography of Tea!!

Welcome my fellow tea and geography lovers! I'm writing this blog as I love tea and I'm a fellow tea lover myself and I wanted to find out more about where my tea was coming from AND where in the world is THE BEST tea made in! I understand this may not be everyone's cup of tea ;) (pardon the pun XD).
So join the par-tea, it's going to be tea-riffic!!!!!

P.S. Question of the day: Are you a Barry's lover or a Lyons lover?😋 😏